Saturday, January 30, 2010

North Wales

Somewhere there is Thomas and Tracy.

On the way to Wales

Stopped off at a service station for some food and drink. Thomas enjoyed the carton and straw a great deal. He also had a good lunch of sausages beans and jacket potato. Lovely!

Friday, January 29, 2010

ST to ST

Spot the difference! Been at it again. The running costs of a 3 litre v6 have finally made me see sense. I have gone back to black and what a beauty she is. Delta Tango Foxtrot has done 55k had one owner and is in A1 condition. There are a couple of things to sort passenger door handle being number 1 but i'm confident she will be with us a while.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Rear clusters

Am liking those rear lights very nice. Shame there is only one tailpipe. Miles per gallon Paul, miles per gallon!


Better get use to it because it will be with us for a long time.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jumping in puddles

How deep is this puddle? Oops my trousers are a bit wet now.

Sunday walk again

We went for another walk around Worsbrough mill today. This time there was no ice so we were able to go the whole way round. Thomas walked about 3/4 of the way round before he started to flag. We fed some ducks and jumped in puddles. It was fun!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Hello Daddy and Mummy

We saw the newest member of the Rees family this morning. He(!) is doing well and growing ok according to the (very miserable) lady at the hospital. We had a few waves and could see the hands and feet very clearly. Tracy reckons she saw a bit of tackle, I didn't see anything i'm afraid. At least we potentially have all we need. Apart from a name of course. Leighton! Pacey! Jerry! Think we have work to do...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dirty boots

It's fun sitting in the car boot having your boots changed.

Worsbrough Mill

Been to the local mill/country park today. It was a bit of ice rink and very dangerous in parts so the walk round was cut short. It was good to get out and have some fresh air. Thomas certainly enjoyed it anyway.

Warmed up

Well the weather has improved a bit and the snow is finally going. More is forecast later this week though. Great! 20 week scan tomorrow!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I dare not work out the mpg for this tank! 110 miles and nearly three quarters thru! Blame it on the snow (which is still here).

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The snow stays on...

The snow has shown no signs of going. The temperatures are still below freezing and probably will be all of next week. A group of us cleared the red brick area at the end of our drive which will make it a lot easier to get out. More snow is forecast later today!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Longcar car park

Getting colder

This was the morning temperature. Lovely. Spent an hour digging snow out with Matthew and Martin last night to make the driveway easier to get thru. Hopefully we wont get any more snow for a while. Apparently the cold weather could be here for 2 weeks. Should have kept the legacy... Now let's just have a quick look on autotrader!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Getting colder...

The cold snap is still with us and the snow. More snow is forecast overnight so we could all be digging out and working from home away.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Build it...'s great!

Another day of snow

Well the snow is still with us and looks like it will be here for a few days. Had fun getting Matthew's car out this morning, those rear wheel drive cars are shocking! It took us a while but eventually we did it. The main roads are clear but a bit slushy so it will be a lot of digging out today to get out tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Where's the garden gone!

Day off

Well we all tried to get to work today but the snow had other ideas. I tried to get Thomas to Carol's but the traffic down Sheffield Road was so slow it stopped so I turned around and headed home. Thomas was upset not to be going to Grandma's hopefully he'll be able to see her tomorrow. It hasn't stopped snowing all day here from about 6.45 and there must be at least 4 inches over most places. The forecast for the week is not good. More snow and freezing temperature.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to work

Back to work this morning and a lovely cold snap is with us as you can see! Apparently it is going to get colder this week as well. Work will be fun as i have no desk at the moment and probably wont until the end of the day. 
Thomas slept better last night after a few nights of mucking about and calling us lots of times, switching his light on and generally being a little monkey! Hopefully as things get back to normal he will be more settled

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

2010 was welcomed by the whole family at Paul and Karen's annual old peculiar bash. Thomas played with his cars most of the night and slept go his slippers! A day in the house relaxing and playing is the agenda today. Happy New Year!