Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Eddy at Wentworth Castle Gardens

On top of the slide at Wentworth Castle Gardens

A difficult night

At 11pm last night we decided to wake Edward for a feed. He fed but not as well as usual. He didn't sleep until nearly 12 and then had a very interrupted night. Edward was awake at 2.30, and 5 and didn't sleep after that. He is sleeping now though!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Welcome to the jungle

Edward probably have slept through the night, he fed at 7 and then he was still asleep at 2.30am. Tracy woke me and after a while I got up and changed him. It was then about 5 before he woke again. So far Eddy has been great at night and we have been able to get some sleep and we are coping. Thomas is trying. We know all about the attention seeking techniques, and the regressing and Thomas is doing both. Being a clever boy, he is finding new ways to get our attention and we must be careful not to always be negative towards Thomas which is not always easy. It is a time of change for us all, and we must all give a little.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Big boy, little boy!

Thomas and Edward 'playing' together!

Dismal England

Well the flags will be coming down today as England crashed out of the world cup. The goal that never was will haunt us for years and no doubt be the topic of too much tv discussion over the next few months. Luckily I still my new boy to keep me busy and deprive me of all my sleep.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Stressed out!

It has been a very hot day and poor Eddy has been thirsty. It has meant more feeds which has been difficult for Tracy. He has been very unsettled this afternoon and I took him for a walk over the M1 to Pilley. It obviously stressed him out as this picture captured. Hopefully he will be more settled now he has had 50mins sleeping in transit.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Wide eyed

At 3 in the morning! This picture wasn't taken at 3 in the morning but nevertheless Edward is still wide eyed and feeding well early in the morning. Hopefully this will be the last feed of the night.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New haircut

Took Thomas for a haircut today which was fun! Thought we'd end up returning home but luckily he eventually sat there and Dave was able to cut it. It looks good I think! Tracy hasn't seen it yet!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Edward George Rees

EGR will soon be home hopefully tomorrow which is great news for all of us. Let's hope he brings England some luck and passion!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Home for the day.

Tracy and Eddy have been home for the day. It has been lovely to be a family again and Thomas has been more settled and eaten a good tea. Eddy seems to be improving all the time and always surprises me with how strong he is, especially his neck muscles. Here he is resting on my knees having a good look around.

Full bloom

The yukka tree is in full bloom and looks amazing. Probably never happened again.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Afternoon nap

Eddy and Tracy have been at home this afternoon, it has been lovely to be a family again if only for a few hours.

Happy Father's Day Daddy

Edward has been allowed home for a few hours. Tracy's spirits have picked up which is understandable. Thomas is loving playing in the playroom and probably isn't that bothered about going home. Happy families!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cheeky monkey!

Bath time has a riot tonight with cold water and smiles everywhere. Thomas seems to want his photo taken again, and this one isn't bad!

Still waiting.

We are still waiting for Edward to be given the all clear. This morning Tracy was told that he would be in for 10days which will be until Friday. I'm getting annoyed because they are telling us very little and it seems just adding 2 or 3 days on every 2days. On the positive Edward is looking better. Much better.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The return of big foot!

Feeling better

I can't believe the difference in Fast Eddy over the last 24 hrs. He is so much more active and alert like a new boy. Tracy's milk and her care have worked miracles! Here he is in full song on my lap!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The view from Eddy's window

Tracy is been discharged from ward12 so is now staying with Eddy in the room with a view. Edward will probably be in until Sunday. Not much fun for paternity leave!

Smiling away!

Just arrived in time to case Eddy stirring and clearly enjoying himself! Thomas is spending some time with Tracy and I'm visiting Ed for a while. His colour is much better and he seems more alert. Must be all the goodness in his mummy's milk. Hopefully things are beginning to improve now.

Fun with Thomas

Thomas is a good cure against the worries of Edward and Tracy.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Some good news at last.

Tracy will be discharged from ward 12 this evening. That's means that No1 son, Thomas can go home and sleep in his own bed tonight. Also means I will hopefully get some sleep as well. God it's all me me me isn't it!

Still here

Edward has cup fed twice today and looks much better and is more active. Hopefully Tracy will be discharged tonight and then Thomas can go home to sleep. Not that if is bothered as he is very happy at his grandma's at the moment. It just would be so nice to be together as a family and not spread out over the centre of Barnsley.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Can't really believe this!

Today has been awful! What should have been a relaxing day together has ended up with Edward and Tracy being admitted into hospital. Edward was ok last night but stopped feeding after 11am and developed a body rash. We decided the best thing to do would be get him checked out. The doctors also decided to check Tracy in as she has been having hot and cold flushes. Poor Little Eddy has had more blood taken out of him than I care to mention and is currently on a drip. All in all a bit of a nightmare.

It's a worry

Having a baby who you know needs to feed and they don't seem interested. Edward has woken up after 4 hrs sleep and he's not that bothered about his breakfast! A bit like Thomas really!

First night

Edward seems a little unsettled for his first night at home. He has slept a lot of the day and is now, after a few attempts, feeding well. Hopefully we can all get some sleep soon. I did manage to do some quality sewing earlier and repair a top and pair of trousers. Oh happy days! Ironing and sewing in the same day.

Monday, June 14, 2010

All asleep

All the family are sound asleep. Thomas is afternoon napping, Tracy has gone to bed emotionally and physically shattered and Fast Eddy is very content in his land of nod. What am I doing? Ironing obviously!

All home now

We are finally all together after 4 days apart. Edward has been given the all clear from the doctors and we went to collect them about 1pm. Thomas is enjoying some mummy time reading books and talking - well Thomas is asking questions and Tracy is answering!

It is still an attraction.


Sunday, June 13, 2010


To assist with the transition to becoming a big brother, Thomas has received many gifts. This car cd player is from us and he loves it. He doesn't play the cds for more than 15secs before swapping them though. As can be seen he loves it though!

On the mend!

Thomas and I went to see Tracy and Edward in hospital this morning. Whilst we were there Edward was removed from the incubator as his jaundice was going. Hopefully the blood tests later will show he is continuing to improve and he will be home later. I had a cuddle and managed to catch this smile! Trapped wind or pleased to see me. You guess!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Here we are again

This takes me back! This is Eddy under the lamps this time. He is suffering for the dreaded jaundice again. Probably be under there lamps for a few days poor thing! At least Tracy seems ok and having a bit of a rest!

The Rees Family!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 2

Edward sleeping well. Tracy had a bit of a rough night but seems happier and less uncomfortable than yesterday. Thomas wanted to see his Mummy this morning and was a bit upset when he didn't speak to her on the phone. I'm sure he will adjust like us all!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fast Eddie

Someone was in a hurry today! Tracy texted me about 2.00 today to say the contractions were getting more regular (10 mins). By the time I was home they were every 3/4 mins so it was straight to the hospital. Parked up at 3.10, into labour suite for 3.15, Edward George arrived at 3:47. Fast Eddie!! Weighed 7lb 6, 50 cm long (same as TW) and looks like his twin!!
So far Grandma with Thomas (of course!) and Grandad Rees have been to visit in the hospital. Hopefully Tracy and Eddie will be home tomorrow - I am sure we will have more visitors then!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This car is cool

Thomas has rediscovered some of his older toys recently including this remote controlled car. He is also asking hundreds of questions at the moment!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Bike number 2

The muddy fox had to be returned to tescos. The trek 3900 is a lower spec bike but much better built. I went out with Martin last night for about an hour and 45, did about 14 miles, thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a good mix of dirt track and road and mostly flat! Hope to repeat it again soon.

Walk around the duck pond.

Well half way round to feed some ducks. Lovely morning and all looking good. No signs of number 2 yet!