Friday, July 30, 2010

Exploring the museum

Our guide today loved pointing out the big trains and carriages. He clearly enjoyed going under a train and inside the bullet train. It was lovely to spend quality time with Thomas today, and great that he enjoyed the museum so much as it made it all the more enjoyable for us.

A sand sculpture at the NRM

Someone clearly enjoying York

Eddy has become much more responsive over the last 2 or 3 days. He is really responding to Tracy and picks up her voice before he sees her. He smiles a lot at you and is now starting to make noises as he tries to communicate to us. It is so nice to enjoy (again!) and he seems such a happy and easy going sort of fella - long may it continue!!

At the National Railway Museum

A treat for lunch. Thomas has found it amazing today. Look at that train Daddy, look at that train Mummy. Well worth the visit!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hospital again

Been to the hospital again today for Eddy's clicky hip. Good news though he has been discharged! Only the normal baby check ups now! The weather overcast with showers is making it difficult to do much so we are playing with play doh to keep Thomas busy. Hopefully go somewhere 'exciting' once a week to break up the holiday for all of us.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Home alone

Have been left with Eddy this morning whilst Tracy has some Tracy time with Karen. Thomas is on thebusthetramandthetrain with Grandma so Eddy and I are bonding. He has been very content lying around for about 20 mins or so. Just got a bit grumpy and has fallen asleep in the carry cot on his own! Progress on one front at least!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Where's the dishwasher?

Outside the back door. New one arriving tomorrow. On another note, Thomas refused to put his coat on at Wentworth Castle today so we all came home. Luckily for Thomas it started raining quite bad so he probably saved us from a soaking! We think he was shattered as he slept for a couple of hours when we got home. Didn't go to bed early though. The swings and roundabouts of parenting!

Encouraging positive behaviour

A simple reward chart for 4 key activities brushing teeth morning and night, getting dressed and having tea. Seems to be working at the moment.

Friday, July 23, 2010

You looking at me!

The best time for Eddy is just before his bath when he lies for a good 10 mins on his mat kicking and looking around. Thomas has taken to having a look around as well!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sleeping like a baby.

We had a bit of a break thru last night as Eddy slept from 8pm thru to nearly 4am. He didn't then wake up at 5 as normal so we slept thru. Unfortunately not as Thomas decided to wake up at 5.30 twice! Nevermind it's progress!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lazying on a Sunday afternoon

It has been a lazy day today and we have all needed a rest. Eddy is having 40 winks whilst Thomas is amusing himself with all his cars and garage. Am sure this won't last for long so thought I'd capture it will I had the chance!

My big brother didn't eat his tea

And he went to bed without any tea. He still slept through and had an enormous breakfast. Thomas didn't even try his tea but was convinced he wouldn't like it!

Calm on the mat

Before bathtime Edward seems to really enjoy his calm time on the mat in his room. We put the lullaby cd on and he lies there for 5 or 10 mins. Eddy still enjoys his bath as well apart from the hair wash bit!

Friday, July 16, 2010

That one goes there

and that one goes in there!

Quiet time

There is no routine at the moment with sleep and feeds. But Eddy does like quiet time on the mat before his bedtime.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

No no no

There little feet will soon grow I'm sure. Thomas' are huge now, well not huge but they seem that way when compared to Eddy's. One of the problems with Thomas at the moment is us. We are expecting too much. Generally he is great but there have been a lot of confrontations about little things. The constant no reply to just about anything gets very tedious and quite rude sometimes. Thomas is very stubborn and quite often the arguement very quickly escalate out of proportion. Being tired and having another one to focus on sometimes makes from a bad combination and situation. Eddy does seem to be sleeping better at night now which is good. We are having a couple of 2 to 3 hour blocks. Unfortunately however Thomas has taken to waking early. You win some...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Morning stretch

Eddy slept thru the night with only one get up. It meant that we got a bit more sleep. My mind was too full of the Greenfield job to sleep that much though. I wish someone would make the decision for me.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The boys asleep.

A moment of peace captured for eternity!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Feeding Eddy.

The last 2 nights I have given Eddy some milk before bedtime. He has taken it really well and seems to happy with the formula. Tonight though he seems to be a little bit more unsettled. Hopefully it will pass.


When I came home today Thomas was crashed out on the settee. Obviously looking after Eddy and Tracy is hard work!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Look at the colour.

Of my knees of course! Getting paler!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Read the shirt!


Where is Thomas? The stig is definitely interesting.

Another day

Another park. This time up in Mapplewell with Karen and Paul. Thomas certainly enjoyed the slide and the gates. His shorts were extra slippy and came off the end of the slide a couple of times! Eddy sat and watched! Last night was another disruptive one with him awake from 3am until 5.30am! Not much fun for us with Thomas waking at 7. At least he stayed in his bed and we know it doesn't last forever!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Recent Events

We went to the hospital again today for more blood tests for Eddy. The results have indicated that although there is still a level of jaundice in Edward's blood it is decreasing. We have to return in 3 weeks for another test. 
Edward has again found it difficult to go to sleep tonight and I eventually rocked him asleep at about 8.30. Hopefully this wont continue as sleep crutches aren't good. 
Thomas has just fallen out of bed again and had a real screaming fit which has resulted in all of us watching 2 Peppa Pigs to calm down. Luckily he has gone back to bed now. He seemed ok when I first come into see him after he fell out of bed but got progressively worse until I eventually decided to bring him downstairs to try a different approach. Let's hope it was a one off. 
All we need now is a bad night with Edward and we'll be ready to crack!

A broken letterbox

The red and blue structure used to be a letterbox! All the congrats cards have been reposted!