Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Definitely growing on me

Been busy today...

Finally got around to cleaning the wheels and putting the red ovals on.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Eddy enjoying the sunshine at Cannon Hall

We found a worm!

And it was longer than Thomas' foot!

Those peskey flies

Lunchtime was spoilt by the flies which was a shame. Thomas did a good job in swotting them away though.

Cannon Hall today

Running up that hill. Although his energy waned in periods Thomas still had enough energy to run down and up his hill several times. He enjoyed exploring the grounds and Edward enjoyed looking at the trees.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

When Thomas is at his happiest!

Playing with his cars on his new car mat/box.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I'm three!

At the end of a long day at Eureka, Thomas is still full of energy and fun. It was a good day eventually although when we arrived at 12.15 it didn't look too promising. 40 mins queuing in the rain before we were in then lunch under archimedes bath and then we were away. Parts of Eureka were a little busy for Thomas but he clearly enjoyed parts of it like the recycling activity, the bath and the building blocks. It wasn't quite what we had planned but the rain meant diggerland was not really an option. We will go there I'm sure. Thomas has enjoyed all of his presents this morning and it was lovely to watch him open them. Happy Birthday Thomas!

That's more like it!

Happy birthday Thomas

Queuing at eureka! Fun!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A party for Thomas

Today was Thomas' 3rd birthday party with probably his last adult heavy party. Theo, Millie, Sam and Charlie were the main active children to come with cousin Emilia and brother Edward also in attendance. After a shaky start the children got playing together and all had a good time, even without a bbq! Thomas has got more cars and some games which we will hopefully play tomorrow. We have lots of cake to eat!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The most exciting thing seen in Yorkshire Wildlife Park according to Thomas.

The most fun

The most fun was had playing trolls and goats on a bridge in the wooded part of the park today.

Watching the lemurs with Mummy

At the Yorkshire Wildlife Park

The tension is nail biting at the wildlife park today. To be honest Thomas didn't enjoy it as much as he did the first time when he was younger.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Left him for 5 mins...

... To sort Thomas and the play doh out and look what happens!

Big boy Thomas

Thomas is a giant compared to Eddy. He often enjoys his big brother role and is becoming much more interested and respectful of him.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I cleared up a lot of shit. All of it belonging to this little man who is here doing his best Maggie Simpson impersonation.

Wentworth Castle

Having lunch at Wentworth Castle the weather was glorious and Thomas was chatting away about allsorts.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Look at the bend on those blades!

Taking off

It's funny that when you capture a second in time you forget that everything will be stationary. Hence the blades of the helicopter are captured in full rotational glory.

Just before the flight

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Helicopter ride

Today it has finally taken place. Third time lucky!

A bit of a rough night for some

This little boy woke us up at 4am and then went back to sleep. Tracy and I had difficulties sleeping after that as Edward has stirring for the rest of the morning. Eventually he was fed at just after 6.15 but his pattern will be a bit irregular today. Thomas on the other hand has had weetabix and toast for breakfast and is playing happily. Tracy and I could do with a few more hours sleep.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sleeping again

Eddy slept from 8pm until 6am last night. Think that counts as sleeping through. 2 months old same as Thomas. Unlike Thomas though he is still swaddled. Whatever and however are irrelevant, what matters is that he is sleeping much better.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Monkey bizness

We decided that today the weather merited an indoor activity so we went to monkey bizness this morning. Thomas thoroughly enjoyed it and was shattered by the time we left. He had a few accidents but went back and tried again which was good to see. Eddy slept through most of it but we both got some smiles when having a rest from crawling and sliding.

Catching up on his beauty sleep

Poor Eddy had a rough day yesterday after his first set of jabs. In the afternoon he had a high temperature and we ended up giving him some calpol. He still slept to 4 am even after only 90ml of milk. Apart from pooing, sneezing and weeing all over me this morning, he seems much better.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sleepy time

Last night and tonight Edward has been put to bed wideawake. He seems to have learnt that the bed is for sleeping as tonight he went to sleep with a minimum of fuss. Last night he took about 30mins. Either he is a fast learner or tonight was a fluke! I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Tracy

We have been to the Lord Nelson today for lunch. Unfortunately Thomas didn't eat his and was a bit of a monkey. It took a while for him to come round but eventually he sorted himself out and behaved. As always getting the bill was an experience!