Friday, December 30, 2011

On the mend?

Finally on the mend hopefully although Eddy was sick twice last night. He seems better today and even Thomas has eaten his lunch!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It continues...

The illnesses are still with us. Eddy had a bout of the runs again and Thomas is still not 100% with a high temperature.
The bendy buses have been a big hit and Eddy loved playing with them on the landing yesterday.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

So this is Christmas!

Another year over... Another Xmas eve at Barnsley's finest hospital with the boys. A terrible run of illnesses for all the family and finally the dreaded 2 hour wait in hospital for some eye drops do, both boys. Conjunctivitis again. Both on the same day. Thomas now seems to have flu as he is running high temp and looks awful. T and I have made a surprisingly quick recovery from the dreaded tummy bug and enjoyed a lovely Xmas dinner today. Eddy is not 100% yet but at least he is sleeping through regularly. Hopefully Thomas will have a good night's sleep and feel better in the morning.
Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2011

There's always work for a good plumber!

Not sure Grandma and Grandad agree though!

Santa were @ WCG

This afternoon, in the rain, we went for our meeting with Santa. Unfortunately Santa was running late. Very late. We waited over an hour for our slot which was booked at 2.30 and then we waited outside for a further 20 minutes. Thomas was fantastic. Eddy on the other hand, found it very difficult.
At least Santa was nice.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Last days at nursery.

I hope Mrs Hale gets to know the cheeky side of Thomas. Although the reports from Mrs Terrell show us that sometimes Thomas showed this side of his character I hope that he continues to develop his confidence and come out of his shell a bit more. Thomas has clearly enjoyed his time in nursery and he has come on really well especially socially and in his confidence. The final performance which we all attended was very sweet and demonstrated the caring and supportive nature of the nursery.

Final days at LPDC

The last few months at LPDC have been strange. The whole place has lacked warmth and there has been a feeling of waiting for the end. The structure of the service is going to change and a lot of people are in jobs but will have a very different role. I feel that I did my best work probably 2 or 3 years ago and the team peaked then. It is such a shame that such a good team with such much expertise has been disbanded never to reform. Good luck to us all!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Can I take it home now?

Thomas at the Oscars.

We went to see the films that Tankersley school made at their own Oscars awards at the Manor. It was a good night and Thomas got to collect the award for the nursery. He coped with the pressure well.

Monday, July 25, 2011


The past few weeks have been very different. I have had interviews at Leeds Trinity University College, Darton Primary and West End Primary. Needless to say I have practiced my interview answers a few times now. Although I really wanted a job to feel that someone valves my skills and knowledge, I would have been content to register on supply and take it from there. I'm not so sure that my self esteem would have agreed though. The lift that the success at West End has given me is huge, a lot more than I expected and I just hope that I can make a success of it. Lots of thorough preparation is needed this summer. Meadstead showed my weaknesses and I must learn for that.


Sometimes the boys play really well together. Not always be when they do it is great. Here they are reading a book together.

Waiting for Daddy.

One of the best parts of my day is collecting Eddy for his Grandma's. He is often waiting by the window and has a lovely smile for me when he sees the car pull up. Priceless!

WCG again!

This was taken in June on another visit to WCG where the boys had lots of fun again!

Who did this?

I wonder!

Andrex Baby

There has been so much happening recently that I'm not too sure where to start. Eddy trashing the en suite seems as good a place as any though!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy boy

It never ceases to amaze me how continually happy Eddy is. Even though he has been jabbed up, he's still bouncing around exploring and climbing everywhere. Yesterday Thomas and Eddy proudly paraded their I love Dad matching t shirts which made my fathers day extra special. We went to see my Dad in the morning at Lynne's for a short visit which everyone enjoyed. Eddy and Thomas both enjoyed the toasted teacakes. It's funny what you eat when you are away from home!


The boys find something in common to watch.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Action Man Thomas

Recently Thomas has developed a lot more confidence in his own physical ability and has started climbing and being much more daring generally. Here he has climbed the slide at Wentworth. Whilst at Wentworth he took his scooter down some very steep grass slopes and loved being on that point of pure excitement and fear. It has been great watching this change in him.


There was a lady dressed as a clown making animals from balloons at WCG when we went. The penguin died shortly after this photograph was taken.

WCG 4th June

Hiding from Mummy in the gardens.

First Birthday

Well Eddy is now one, still cruising and climbing everywhere and very happy.  Yesterday we had a party for him and luckily the weather held off so we could be in the garden. It was a lovely afternoon and get to see all the children having fun. On his birthday Eddy went to monkey business (!) with Thomas, Tracy, Julie, Theo and Edie. All had fun! I went to Mapplewell to complete my penultimate moderation. It isn't much fun. Happy Birthday Eddy!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I can't believe that Eddy will be 1 next week. Where has the year gone? He has developed so quickly recently, climbing everywhere, feeding himself with spoon, chattering away with an array of sounds, teeth popping out in his mouth faster than he popped out nearly a year ago and generally being a cheeky chunky monkey! Fast Eddy! He's great!

Why we walk around lakes on hot days!

A day in the sun

Martin next door mentioned a park in Wakefield called Pugney Country Park a few days ago. We decided to explore it today in the baking heat! Thomas found the heat difficult I think as he didn't manage much scootering around the lake. I did probably wear himself out at an activity station playing with a loudly little boy called Arnold. Eddy didn't sleep all day probably the ice cream that kept him awake on the way home!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Eddy lasted Thomas didn't!

Fire Engine ride

Thomas didn't want to go for a ride on a fire engine which was a little sad, but as can be seen just being around the engines was enough for him.

Fire and Police Museum

A weekend without Mummy meant a trip to this museum. Overall a bit of disappointment but Thomas enjoyed it. The vehicles were open to explore but not a great deal of space around them.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Camera timing issues

Trying to capture Eddy at the top of his swing proved difficult.