Thursday, March 31, 2011

Poor old Eddy

He's had a bug since Tuesday and the runs and high temperature and been sick and not smiling a great deal. I took him to docs yesterday and she seemed to think that it was a bug and he'd probably get over it in a few days. Let's hope we've got plenty of nappies in!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

All lined up part two

All lined up. Part one

Look at me!

What's that on your chin Grandad?

Miller Dam

Thomas enjoyed taking his scooter around New Miller Dam this afternoon. It got carried a bit but he clearly enjoyed the challenge of off roading!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Thomas spent far too long on Sunday opening and closing gates in the azalea garden at Wentworth. He loved it though.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Back to Wentworth this aft after an extra large lunch at the Dodworth Valley. Thomas especially ate well and now has plenty of energy for exploring. Eddy is recharging.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Out in the park.

Eddy on the swings somewhere near home either outside school or in the local park. Pictures of the boys always cheer me up. The stress of this week has taken its toll and I am coming down with something but at least I can move on now. The prospect of teaching in Rotherham is appealing more and more. The staff seem ok, as do the children and 2 out of 3 ain't bad! It would be good to consolidate my classroom practice skills again and maybe move on after a few years. If I like it though might stop longer! Have to be offered the job first though!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

This is stressing me out!

Still not heard anything. No news is good news? Hope so!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Changing and difficult times

I got my redundancy letter on Friday. I have an interview for the learning manager post at Thorogate school on 1st April. Teaching to be observed before. Another school has offered me some classroom practice experience. Tuesday is going to be pivotal for everything that happens in the next few months. I hope that sense is seen and this horrible situation is closed. I have applied for the Thurlstone post and considering lots of other options including private schools. Stressful and difficul times.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The smug chef.

Thomas loves cooking with his Mummy. Today it was buns!

Rising prices.

Just filled up. Ouch!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Brothers in arms

Only spoilt by the slight movement on Eddy.

Tiny shoes

Eddy is now the proud owner of some new shoes. His first. They are lovely and soft and as you can see very small. The big pumps belong to Thomas.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Eddy likes his food. Thomas does sometimes but not today. He still loves nursery though and has enjoyed his time with Zoe earlier this week which is also important. Eddy is rolling and shuffling all over the place as at the monet which is funny!