Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Last days at nursery.

I hope Mrs Hale gets to know the cheeky side of Thomas. Although the reports from Mrs Terrell show us that sometimes Thomas showed this side of his character I hope that he continues to develop his confidence and come out of his shell a bit more. Thomas has clearly enjoyed his time in nursery and he has come on really well especially socially and in his confidence. The final performance which we all attended was very sweet and demonstrated the caring and supportive nature of the nursery.

Final days at LPDC

The last few months at LPDC have been strange. The whole place has lacked warmth and there has been a feeling of waiting for the end. The structure of the service is going to change and a lot of people are in jobs but will have a very different role. I feel that I did my best work probably 2 or 3 years ago and the team peaked then. It is such a shame that such a good team with such much expertise has been disbanded never to reform. Good luck to us all!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Can I take it home now?

Thomas at the Oscars.

We went to see the films that Tankersley school made at their own Oscars awards at the Manor. It was a good night and Thomas got to collect the award for the nursery. He coped with the pressure well.

Monday, July 25, 2011


The past few weeks have been very different. I have had interviews at Leeds Trinity University College, Darton Primary and West End Primary. Needless to say I have practiced my interview answers a few times now. Although I really wanted a job to feel that someone valves my skills and knowledge, I would have been content to register on supply and take it from there. I'm not so sure that my self esteem would have agreed though. The lift that the success at West End has given me is huge, a lot more than I expected and I just hope that I can make a success of it. Lots of thorough preparation is needed this summer. Meadstead showed my weaknesses and I must learn for that.


Sometimes the boys play really well together. Not always be when they do it is great. Here they are reading a book together.

Waiting for Daddy.

One of the best parts of my day is collecting Eddy for his Grandma's. He is often waiting by the window and has a lovely smile for me when he sees the car pull up. Priceless!

WCG again!

This was taken in June on another visit to WCG where the boys had lots of fun again!

Who did this?

I wonder!

Andrex Baby

There has been so much happening recently that I'm not too sure where to start. Eddy trashing the en suite seems as good a place as any though!