Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bright eyes

Still waiting for Dad to come out of hospital. He is making good progress with his walking and leg movement, whizzing around with his Zimmer. It will be good when he is back home, tomorrow hopefully. His house will welcome him back after the attempted breakin as well.
Am tired, Tracy is all stressed over impending ofsted, Thomas is a cow (in the nativity) and Eddy is developing a nasty cough, after getting lost in Tesco on Saturday.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Another op

Dad's had another operation this time on his neck. Initial signs are that it has gone well, he appears to have better movement in his legs. It is just a case of waiting now to see what happens when it all heals up. Fingers crossed.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Visiting again

Dad was in good spirits today when I visited this afternoon. He had a golf club friend there which was good. His op will probably be Friday after he has had another MRI scan today. Not too sure how many or which vertebrae they are working on other than the neck ones.
After the work email suggested we need 30minutes exercise each day, decided to take the stairs from A to N. I made it 315 stairs. My recovery time was quite pleasing. :)

Went in 8hrs

Sold on eBay for £15. Being collected today. Did another baby sale on Sunday which raised about £120. Not bad for just over an hour's selling. Still got lots of stuff, took some to the hospice and 6 boxes back in the loft. So raised over £320 in total at the two sales. :)


Because of the terrible weather, storms, wind and rain, we all went bowling yesterday. After the last time when I made the mistake of winning, we wanted Thomas to do better. However losing is not as easy as it sounds. Try as we might, with the bumpers up, we couldn't miss the pins and ending up scoring each time. Eddy had his own unique method which involved bouncing the ball off the bumpers and still getting spares. He ended up winning. I came second by 30pts. Tracy inadvertently got a spare on her last go and came third. Thomas doesn't deal with defeat well.
He did win the pool, and he was very good at the driving game. Too much time on the Wii!
Dad is still in hospital, will see him this afternoon, James not been over yet, his op probably taking place Friday.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Such a nice car

Mazda 6 Sport 185. Some serious ummph. Love it.

Worried about Dad.

Dad has been on a pretty rough journey recently. His back has been causing problems and he has had one op on his back to try and improve his control of his legs. Unfortunately the first op didn't go to plan and his legs movement has deteriorated. Several falls at home, none major but for his own safety he is now in the Hallamshire waiting for another spinal op, on his neck. We all went to see him today and he was very happy to see us.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bye bye Henry.

Well we didn't quite make 25K but it was very close. Funny but although he was a bit scrappy I liked him. And will miss him. I know Eddy will.


Eddy sleeps anywhere.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

National Book Week

Thomas and Eddy as an alien in underpants and Splat the cat. They look great, thanks Grandma.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wigfield Farm Party

It was Robbie's party last weekend at Wigfield farm. Disappointingly both of the boys refused to touch the exotic animals. They did both enjoy the playground and looking at the animals. Maybe they have inherited Tracy's animal genes!

Made an enquiry and got this reply....

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fun guy

This little man is really funny. He comes out with lots of gems but this morning's "I want to play with a 44 guy" was a classic.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Superheroes at home

Captain America and Iron Man. The boys love the outfits, especially Eddy.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Scrap metal merchant....

Why did that comment frustrate me so much....was it the person or the comment or the fact that my wheels aren't quite up to the standard I'd like.
Don't take it personally Henry.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Well after the excitement of the morning, things took a turn for the worse when we decided to in biking. Not only did Eddy mark Tracy's car with a plastic firework piece but I backed into this white Focus. Luckily only a little mark on the edge of the rear bumper. Hardly visible. In fact the owner, Matthew's sister in law, had to be shown where I hit it. Hopefully the cost won't be too much, unless they go to a main dealer......

Yes Edward was there as well...

Oh yeah....

Look who's 40 and still looking great. Happy 40th Birthday, Tracy.

Eddy's new Angry Bird bedroom.

Been a busy 2 days but he loves it! Can't wait to do Thomas's Lego Star Wars room.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Just home from Grandma's

Eddy has not been sleeping well due to the heat, we are in the middle of a heatwave, temps of hi twenties sometimes thirty, and the boys are finding it difficult to sleep at night. Eddy has been waking up early in the morning, at 4 and not going back to sleep. Not great, for all of us. At least it's nice weather! LOL.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Playing together....

....but for how long?

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Been to see the teachers about Thomas and Edward recently. Thomas's report is excellent all positive and his attainment is above average for his age. When we asked about his levels were a bit surprised that he didn't have any level 2s. Reading especially at a 1a+ is quite conservative, even his writing is a 2c I thought. But there maybe progress reasons why this is so.
Edward has amazed his nursery teachers with his counting, up to 30, and has settled in really well to life in nursery. He is confident and articulate and good at hiding things....... He has been up to his usual tricks putting cards in slots and making more work for Mrs Terrell! But she likes him and he is happy which is the main thing.

Henry clocks 20k

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Who got told off at school today?

One of these boys got told off at school today for climbing when they had been told not too. They were very upset, and tonight before bed they said they didn't want to go to nursery tomorrow. Eddy needs to learn when to stop. I'm sure he'll be fine tomorrow.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Eddy starts nursery

Thursday was Eddy's first day at nursery and he loved it. Tracy says he was straight into playing and not phased by the being left thing at all. He already has lots of friends there and I'm sure that he will get the extra stimulus that he has been needing recently. It might stop him from feeling the need to stop trains!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Bike Rides and Ice Creams

Been to Locke Park today, bikes to ride around on. Eddy learnt about the need for brakes and how to tumble with style. Thomas learnt about cycling uphill isn't as much fun as downhill.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

WCG again

Been out in the sun and cloud today at WCG. Tracy has been away in Whitby for a hen do. Boys been ok although Thomas got upset shortly after we got home. Bless him.

Little Garden Gnome

I'm not a gnome, I'm Edward! Edward, note.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Easy Rider

Today Thomas learnt how to ride his bike without stablisers. It actually didn't take him that long at all. After about 3 or 4 attempts being held by Tracy and I, he was able to pedal properly and cycle over a considerable distance on his own. His confidence was up and he absolutely loved it. We were very proud of him. Eddy was asleep and missed the whole thing!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Snow again.

The snow has been here again with a vengeance this time. A week last Friday it came and it is still here. Only had one day missed at work because a joint observation cancelled. Thomas, who broke up a week earlier than Tracy and I, missed his last day at school. Eddy and him have had lots of fun in the snow, including building an igloo, throwing snowballs at Daddy and making snowcastles. Thomas seems to be growing up all the time and we are both noticing a changing attitude towards things such as food, supporting his younger brother and being helpful. It is good to see and lovely when Eddy and Thomas play together. They really have fun together although it can get a little out of hand sometimes. Thomas is loving singing songs from Matilda and, when he is in the right mood, playing the piano. Eddy has really enjoyed playing in the snow, climbing the snow piles and generally being a rogue! He is a mischievous monkey and he likes to destroy stuff. I found a Wii disc in the HDD player last weekend, I wonder who! He needs to be kept busy or he finds something to entertain himself with. Grandma found the 3 days she had them at the start of Thomas's Easter break tough.
Chocolate heaven tomorrow as the Easter bunny arrives. More inches on my waist soon then!!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The uniting power of The Force

Lego Star Wars viewing. Roll on 2015, episode 7!

Friday, March 1, 2013

More numbers

Clocking up the miles at the moment. Passed 80k this week. Still going strong though. Have decided to keep Victor pass the 100k mark, which at this rate will be sometime around June next year. Not all then.
The college was phonics inspected last week, we got a good. Great.
Eddy has got a fat lip, a couple of slips at grandma's and Thomas has lots of hair. Thomas got the cow this weekend from school. His reward for being the best learner all week. Well done son!
Eddy has been in his bed for 2 weeks now. Initially he seemed reluctant to leave it at night or the morning but soon he was creeping to the door and putting angry birds through the gap. Now he creeps into our bed in the morning. Very cute. But it needs to stop, when it happens at 5.45am!

Monday, February 11, 2013

On holiday.

But still keen to learn. Been doing number bonds to twenty with Thomas. Been building with Eddy.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

More snow

Will this winter ever learn that snow is ok, once. Then it's a pain. So please stop. I do like the way it has settled on the roof over the study though!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Car in garage, 2 days of public transport

New rear shocks, spark plugs, wheel alignment, and service. Hopefully be ok for a while now! The view from the train is blurring. Too many changes.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Snow again

The snow came down again last night, probably about 6 to 8 cm. Couldn't resist trying my hand at a bit of snow sculpting. Am actually quite proud of it.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Snow joke

The snow is with us again. Monday was a snow day. Tracy's and Thomas's school both shut. College was closed and my planned INSET in Leeds was cancelled but not after we had dug out half the estate. Back to normality today. Most roads clear mainly the side roads very tricky, oh and college car parks! Thomas and Eddy have enjoyed riding on the sleigh, cut both and separately. Eddy even pulling Thomas on occasions.

Friday, January 18, 2013

More snow on the way

More numbers to be proud of! LOL. Tomorrow will see more snow for us. Made it to work today without any problems. Everyone took the day off I think.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Snow is forecast for this week.

Will see what happens!


77777 has been clocked and captured. So that is 11000 miles in 9 months. The Honda has just clocked 22222. Made me laugh that Tracy made the effort to share the moment with me.