Saturday, March 30, 2013

Snow again.

The snow has been here again with a vengeance this time. A week last Friday it came and it is still here. Only had one day missed at work because a joint observation cancelled. Thomas, who broke up a week earlier than Tracy and I, missed his last day at school. Eddy and him have had lots of fun in the snow, including building an igloo, throwing snowballs at Daddy and making snowcastles. Thomas seems to be growing up all the time and we are both noticing a changing attitude towards things such as food, supporting his younger brother and being helpful. It is good to see and lovely when Eddy and Thomas play together. They really have fun together although it can get a little out of hand sometimes. Thomas is loving singing songs from Matilda and, when he is in the right mood, playing the piano. Eddy has really enjoyed playing in the snow, climbing the snow piles and generally being a rogue! He is a mischievous monkey and he likes to destroy stuff. I found a Wii disc in the HDD player last weekend, I wonder who! He needs to be kept busy or he finds something to entertain himself with. Grandma found the 3 days she had them at the start of Thomas's Easter break tough.
Chocolate heaven tomorrow as the Easter bunny arrives. More inches on my waist soon then!!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The uniting power of The Force

Lego Star Wars viewing. Roll on 2015, episode 7!

Friday, March 1, 2013

More numbers

Clocking up the miles at the moment. Passed 80k this week. Still going strong though. Have decided to keep Victor pass the 100k mark, which at this rate will be sometime around June next year. Not all then.
The college was phonics inspected last week, we got a good. Great.
Eddy has got a fat lip, a couple of slips at grandma's and Thomas has lots of hair. Thomas got the cow this weekend from school. His reward for being the best learner all week. Well done son!
Eddy has been in his bed for 2 weeks now. Initially he seemed reluctant to leave it at night or the morning but soon he was creeping to the door and putting angry birds through the gap. Now he creeps into our bed in the morning. Very cute. But it needs to stop, when it happens at 5.45am!