Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Visiting again

Dad was in good spirits today when I visited this afternoon. He had a golf club friend there which was good. His op will probably be Friday after he has had another MRI scan today. Not too sure how many or which vertebrae they are working on other than the neck ones.
After the work email suggested we need 30minutes exercise each day, decided to take the stairs from A to N. I made it 315 stairs. My recovery time was quite pleasing. :)

Went in 8hrs

Sold on eBay for £15. Being collected today. Did another baby sale on Sunday which raised about £120. Not bad for just over an hour's selling. Still got lots of stuff, took some to the hospice and 6 boxes back in the loft. So raised over £320 in total at the two sales. :)


Because of the terrible weather, storms, wind and rain, we all went bowling yesterday. After the last time when I made the mistake of winning, we wanted Thomas to do better. However losing is not as easy as it sounds. Try as we might, with the bumpers up, we couldn't miss the pins and ending up scoring each time. Eddy had his own unique method which involved bouncing the ball off the bumpers and still getting spares. He ended up winning. I came second by 30pts. Tracy inadvertently got a spare on her last go and came third. Thomas doesn't deal with defeat well.
He did win the pool, and he was very good at the driving game. Too much time on the Wii!
Dad is still in hospital, will see him this afternoon, James not been over yet, his op probably taking place Friday.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Such a nice car

Mazda 6 Sport 185. Some serious ummph. Love it.

Worried about Dad.

Dad has been on a pretty rough journey recently. His back has been causing problems and he has had one op on his back to try and improve his control of his legs. Unfortunately the first op didn't go to plan and his legs movement has deteriorated. Several falls at home, none major but for his own safety he is now in the Hallamshire waiting for another spinal op, on his neck. We all went to see him today and he was very happy to see us.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bye bye Henry.

Well we didn't quite make 25K but it was very close. Funny but although he was a bit scrappy I liked him. And will miss him. I know Eddy will.


Eddy sleeps anywhere.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

National Book Week

Thomas and Eddy as an alien in underpants and Splat the cat. They look great, thanks Grandma.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wigfield Farm Party

It was Robbie's party last weekend at Wigfield farm. Disappointingly both of the boys refused to touch the exotic animals. They did both enjoy the playground and looking at the animals. Maybe they have inherited Tracy's animal genes!

Made an enquiry and got this reply....
