Tuesday, December 30, 2014

December walk time

Down by the duck pond for a lovely walk this afternoon. The lake was completely frozen over but it led to a new game of skating ice across the top to see how far it would go. The ducks enjoyed the bread and both the boys lapped up the fresh air. Eddy needs a outdoor suit!

Sunday, November 23, 2014


So much has happened recently. The most important news is about Eddy who has a nasty chest infection which has caused his ear drum to perforate and a very high temperature and a miserable little boy.  We have been to the hospital most of the day and now have more antibiotics. Thomas has had the week off school with tonsillitis fully recovered now. Tracy has been suffering as well with a bug but luckily better now.
Hopefully next weekend we'll all be ok and can have some fun.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

First session in David Hockney

Computing induction, fingers crossed it goes well....

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Cannon Hall Farm.

The boys sharing crisps at CHF, lovely sunny day out, lots of playing and highwiring especially from Thomas.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Lightwater Valley

A day at LWV, lots of queuing, some screaming, not too wet, lots of Angry Birds. Quite a compact venue which is good, not too much walking for little people. Maybe they were a little young or small to fully enjoy it but I'd go back again.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Flowers in the bed.

They'll probably not be there next year, given our track record with plants.

His favourite present

Got the mean and moody look already.

Happy Birthday Thomas

The joys of opening surprise presents.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Monsal Trial

Another run along the Monsal Trail today. Did about 9.5 miles today, including a pitstop for a flying off pedal on Thomas's bike. No idea how that happened. Tea and large cakes in the cafe afterwards.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Tyke Racing

This was a great success. Thomas enjoyed and got faster and more confident the longer he had on the track. Party booked, now Tracy wants a go.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Relaxing day @ WCG

A walk through the park lands and a play followed by tea at the pub and more playing. Now Monsters Inc and bed.:-)

BBQ @ the Glover's

Rain and a rainbow. Lots of food of course. Saturday night.

Happy Birthday to my lovely wife on Friday.

Spent a lovely day at Sherwood Pines on Friday, cycling, high ropes and a bit more cycling (for me). Here we have the splendid birthday cake. Enjoyed in the field.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

More Handy Andy work.

Very proud of this. It will look great full of plants.

Sharing school reports

Been to visit my Dad today, he was glad of the visit and seemed ok in his spirits if he is still having a few difficulties walking. He is now using 2 sticks all the time and has extra rails inside and outside his house. Eddy clearly enjoyed sharing his first school report with him.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Bolton Abbey

Had a good trip to Bolton Abbey, lots of walking, some interesting activities, stepping stones (falling in is optional Eddy!), and a large abbey.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Goodbye McMillan

Sorry to see the end of the McMillan building, have enjoyed my time there. Am sure the David Hockney building will be great, after a while!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Worsborough Country Fair

Lovely afternoon at Worsborough Mill lots of stalls to take your money and a few demos. Thomas did well on the archery, seemed to enjoy it as well.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Times they are a changing

Look who's in charge now! Mr Jones is stepping up for a year to see how he goes. Good luck fella.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Biking but no curry

Went for my first bike ride tonight. Down to B&Q, onto the train's Pennine trail and get lost in wombwell, not planned, then back on the trail and home. Enjoyed it. It took an hour. Managed the hill at the end, might try it in reverse next time.
The men are shit and organising a night out so it didn't happen. Not for want of trying though.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Fun at Beighton Gala

Sunny day, lots of rides and ice cream.

School reports

Both Thomas and Eddy have got fabulous school reports at the end of their years in Year 2 and Nursery. Thomas has achieved well above the expected level and although there are no levels for Eddy we know he's done well.

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Eddy and his favourite snack. He eats them in multiple of 8!