Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Bonfire Night

Last night was not much fun for the Rees household or other members of the Chilcombe Place corner. Our friendly neighbour firework terrorist was up to his usual annual invasion of the night sky. Trapped in our home we tried to bath and bed Thomas as usual whilst the windows shook. Luckily for us Thomas slept through the whole night (in the kitchen under the fan!) but I know that Matthew and Kerry's children had little sleep until gone 10.45pm. When he was confronted about the noise, Karl was his usual not my fault have you spoke to Lettuce it was them down the road pathetic answers. He also had a team of supporters behind him to add spice to the confrontation! Bet you wouldn't have complained if it was a Saturday or Sunday night?? Well yes I would have because I have 2 month old baby trying to sleep!!!!

The morning after the night before.....

Tracy's car looks like it has been driven through Beirut, not parked outside a house in Barnsley!! Mine isn't much better either. Matthew next door has a dent in the wing of his Merc!! There must be a better way to spend bonfire night, surely.

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