Friday, December 28, 2007


After a trip to the doctors because Thomas was covered in a rash, we finally feel that Thomas is on the mend. He is smiling more and has more energy to play. Mark and Marion visited yesterday and it was good to see them again. Thomas was happy to be passed about and sat with Mark and Marion smiling away. This morning he still has the rash but is much better.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas with TWR

Fancy dress
Relaxing watching a film.

Tucking into the Quality Street at Gramma's.


Santa has been to the Rees household and looks like Thomas has a lot of unwrapping to do tomorrow. Just hope he feels better as he has not been well today. We were so concerned about his temperature tonight that we took him to hospital. They gave him a good inspection but could find nothing wrong. He was given some ibuprofen and that seems to have lower his temperature. He is sound asleep now. It has been a stressful evening and not the best start to the first family Christmas. Am sure tomorrow will be much better.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

I want...

Thomas has started the I wants for Christmas.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

All wrapped up

Took Thomas out for a walk in the bracing winter weather today. He got all wrapped up in a new outfit and was nearly asleep before it was zipped up it is that snug!

Friday, December 14, 2007


Thomas has being trying different kinds of milk today.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


After a busy morning feeding and being washed and dressed, Thomas deserves a rest!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Testing out a new seat

Thomas has been visiting Theo today and trying out a new seat. He seems to like it.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

A difficult night

After weeks of discussion, reading around the subject and debating, I took it upon myself to 'teach Thomas to sleep'. Tracy has gone out for a well deserved ladies night (body shop party) and left me with a nearly asleep Thomas. This turned into an awake Thomas and after the usual sleep props didnot work I decided to try to teach him the tough method. Leaving Thomas to cry (or scream) was very difficult and I must admit I very nearly cracked towards the end but eventually he went to sleep. I think it took him about 35-40 mins, which seems quite good from what I have read. I didnot pick him but tried my best to calm him by stroking his head and talking calmly to him. His cries did begin to weaken after 30 minutes but the whole process was still quite distressing for me.
It has made me realise how much the little fella means to me and how I want to protect him and look after him. I guess that is what being a parent is all about. I keep thinking about my Dad and how much he has done for me. I hope that I can be as supportive and giving to Thomas as my Dad has to me. That unconditional nature of always wanting to be there for your offspring, it is quite hard to explain really. It makes me wonder how my mother could possibly have abandoned John and I, she must really have been selfish.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

After the jabs

Thomas appears fine after another round of jabs!