Sunday, January 6, 2008

New things

Thomas is discovering new things all of the time. 2 weeks ago he was continually sucking his bottom lip. This fad has now past, although he still does it when he is tired, and a new one started. The thing to do this week is stick his tongue out all of the time!

After his Christmas illness it is good to see him playing, laughing and sounding better. Unfortunately Tracy has been very poorly (stomach bug and lack of sleep) over the past week so 2008 has not had the best start to it.

1 comment:

Daffi said...

excuse me for my English, but I take an interpreter.
Hi! You have checked baby =) and the class photo with tongue language, it is one of the best moments.
I do understand that your baby has jaundice ... I think we are familiar to 4 - x months struggling with jaundice, but everything went good, say it is because of the fact that we were born 3 weeks early. I am glad that you have it, too, ended =) Health and the growth you =).