Monday, December 24, 2012

Chatsworth at Christmas

We spent a really day at Chatsworth yesterday with my Dad and Lynn, the house was lovely as always, Thomas fell over in the mud, Eddy had a burger, a lovely tea at Lynn's and the realisation that Christmas is with us again. (Thomas is SO excited!)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Helpful people

Went a post office in Bradford today, to return the Boba Fett costume, and discovered it was full of really helpful people. A lovely welcome and polite shop. Thank you. I was even offered sellotape to use instead of buying any.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Gave my first batch of assignments back today. Generally went well, just one who got bristly. Just have another 3 batches to do now.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

So much has happened recently...

<p>That it would be impossible to record it all. Let's take each family member individually. <br>
Youngest first. Eddy has been ill, usually he is fine. Strange rashes which come and go, coughs, funny marks on his toes. He has had a night in hospital which proved nothing but how incompetent Barnsley hospital are. He needs looking at by a specialist so that we can get a proper diagnosis.
Thomas has had horrendous coldsores and impetigo. A week off school because of them and there continue to worry us as they return regularly.
Tracy is finding year 6 hard and the workload is relentless. Our nights are spent apart working. Bedtime is usually only just before midnight he we are luckily. She currently has a very uncomfortable back which is stopping all fun!
I'm ok, work is fine, workload manageable and the students still amusing. Travel has been a night mare recently with 3 hours being my best time!

My Jedi family

Fancy dress for Luke's (whoelse!) party on Saturday. Good effort by the Rees'. Tracy was the best Princess at the ball.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Seriously addictive new game....

I reached 924m in countryside. Check out how far you go:

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012


Work life balance is back. Much better now. I get to make sandwiches, wash up and even iron if I'm lucky.  And it is better that way. So shouldn't grumble. This is my office. But now I have a different phone, for some reason.

Where's Eddy?

Eddy. Is a monkey. Tonight when Tracy was running a bath, I was downstairs with Thomas, Eddy took himself out the front door, down the redbrick road onto the main road. In his socks. It was dark. He has no road sense. Luckily for us, we think he went looking for TomTom and found Emily from next door. She picked him up and started bringing him home. What a nightmare. We were lucky, Eddy was fine. A nasty fright though.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

A nice relaxing weekend.

First weekend back at work for both of us and it has been quite relaxing and very enjoyable. Saturday we went swimming to help Thomas overcome a bad experience at his swimming lesson. Thomas did well and practiced his floating on his back which he improved greatly at. 60 secs was his best. Eddy on the other hand didn't like floating or the waves. He did like walking about and the slide of course.
Today we went to the maize maze and got lost. Fun to start with but the boys got tired eventually. Lots of do around the maze though. A good day really and the boys loved the park and the space.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wow, how long...?

How long have I been out of touch? Too long too much has happened to update on all.
Thomas and Edward playing trains together does happen a lot. Usually ends in a fight but they are boys I suppose.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

My 2nd party.

After a week of rain at half term, there is no let up for Eddy's party so everyone will be inside unfortunately. Eddy seems oblivious to it all at the moment.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Whatever the weather

The boys still need to get out. A few weekends ago we came across Weston Park again and this time there was a fair in the park. Lovely if a little bit cold. Eddy loved the car ride and the donuts. Thomas liked the horses and the donuts. Had to believe that the following week we were all complaining because it got too hot.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Unwelcome guest

Thursday last week, went to Bradford to drop docs off for new post, sent 90mins getting home, M1 shut southbound at J39, not much fun. Got home to find this fella in the loft (again) and tried to get him out but how do you do that? He want of his own accord luckily. He came back though, the Friday morning. Think I must have scared him off though because he hasn't been back since.
Paul has found the hole and hopefully it'll filled next week.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

A lot has happened recently

Well a mixture of success and failure. We had an inspection Wed Thurs of the first week back. Indoor breaks and constant rain were sure signs that the writing was on the wall. Unfortunately the judgement was special measures which was fair and right I think and now time will tell who will stand or fall!
I was successful in Bradford and now have the prospect of teaching 18 and 19 year olds how to teach Maths! Can't wait!
Eddy is trying to talk all the time which is lovely, frustrating and amusing all at the same time.
Thomas has done show and tell about our day out at Kirklees Light Railway, which is a big thing for him as he has my shy and quiet traits. Let's hope he starts to be a bit more vocal in class now.
Tracy has been great thru all the stress but now needs a rest, not sure when that will happen, sorry!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Nearly forgot

Have an interview for the Maths lecturer post in Bradford soon, result. Hope it all looks good and tidy like me. Think I would be good at it. Hopefully the journey and times will be ok. But it is a way out...means I won't feel as guilty about wanting to spend time with these 2 (+1). Tracy obviously included just not on shot.

New car time

The Honda has gone, can't say am bothered. Should never have bought it. BFL is nice, good to drive, comfy and lots of kit. A stayer then? Yes.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The pressure's on

I'm feeling the strain of teachmg again. Pupil progress meetings tomorrow and my lot are still off target. Still with no adult support and a poor attitude towards work what can I do? Sat around and get fatter I suppose!

Sunday Sunday

Tracy has been poorly all weekend apart from Friday night. Not sure what it is. Could be a mixture of being shattered, a bit of drink and a bad meal. Whatever I hope she is better soon. I have applied for lecturing post in Bradford, would be a good move and ITE is an area I would love to get into. Just use travel although the train could be the answer of a few days. Still not happy at West End for many reasons. Well to tell Sean, that could be tricky.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Big mistake

Buying the CRV has been a big mistake. There was nothing wrong with the Mondeo in fact there were lots right. It was good to drive good to look at and cheap to run. So why the hell did I swap it for this heap of junk! I keep asking myself the same thing! Biggest car mistake so far. The clutch is on the way out £1200, engine management warning light on all time possible injectors £1000 and can't get comfy the seat is bloody uncomfortable after 15mins. So it not staying.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

More illness

As I lie here in bed with Tracy reading New Moon Eddy is coughing like crazy again. He hasn't been well all week. Not eaten much since Wednesday and had a high temperature, runny nose and no energy. It is a worry. Tracy has survived the inspectors on Tuesday - Wednesday as well, so it has been a stressful and very busy week.
Here is Eddy sat in Locke Park last Saturday.
I am considering Wellgate as an escape from Hemsworth option. But with 3 headteachers on the governors it might be a hard option. Back in the BMBC though.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Two very different days

Yesterday the boys had very different days. Eddy wanted his laptop as soon as he got home and Thomas needed some TLC.  He had a nasty fall at school and made a good job of his face. But his spirits were good which helped us deal with our own emotions about what had happened to him.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Exhaust pipe print

Eddy has got a new game of rolling a ball under my car and because of it's extra height the balls roll under it. He does try to get them as well. Unfortunately when he tried to back under the car this morning he found the exhaust pipe. Nice!
Back to work tomorrow after a week in bed. Am sure the children will be delighted to see me again!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Back to work but not for me

Been struck down with the flu. Feeling better today though not going in.
Eddy has been hiding in his wardrobe if you wandering what the picture is for. He is in the wardrobe. Thomas and Eddy were both in it later.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012

The usual party at Paul and Karen's, a lie In for Thomas but not for Eddy or us.
Happy 2012 to us all.