Sunday, December 9, 2012

So much has happened recently...

<p>That it would be impossible to record it all. Let's take each family member individually. <br>
Youngest first. Eddy has been ill, usually he is fine. Strange rashes which come and go, coughs, funny marks on his toes. He has had a night in hospital which proved nothing but how incompetent Barnsley hospital are. He needs looking at by a specialist so that we can get a proper diagnosis.
Thomas has had horrendous coldsores and impetigo. A week off school because of them and there continue to worry us as they return regularly.
Tracy is finding year 6 hard and the workload is relentless. Our nights are spent apart working. Bedtime is usually only just before midnight he we are luckily. She currently has a very uncomfortable back which is stopping all fun!
I'm ok, work is fine, workload manageable and the students still amusing. Travel has been a night mare recently with 3 hours being my best time!

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