Monday, December 24, 2012

Chatsworth at Christmas

We spent a really day at Chatsworth yesterday with my Dad and Lynn, the house was lovely as always, Thomas fell over in the mud, Eddy had a burger, a lovely tea at Lynn's and the realisation that Christmas is with us again. (Thomas is SO excited!)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Helpful people

Went a post office in Bradford today, to return the Boba Fett costume, and discovered it was full of really helpful people. A lovely welcome and polite shop. Thank you. I was even offered sellotape to use instead of buying any.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Gave my first batch of assignments back today. Generally went well, just one who got bristly. Just have another 3 batches to do now.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

So much has happened recently...

<p>That it would be impossible to record it all. Let's take each family member individually. <br>
Youngest first. Eddy has been ill, usually he is fine. Strange rashes which come and go, coughs, funny marks on his toes. He has had a night in hospital which proved nothing but how incompetent Barnsley hospital are. He needs looking at by a specialist so that we can get a proper diagnosis.
Thomas has had horrendous coldsores and impetigo. A week off school because of them and there continue to worry us as they return regularly.
Tracy is finding year 6 hard and the workload is relentless. Our nights are spent apart working. Bedtime is usually only just before midnight he we are luckily. She currently has a very uncomfortable back which is stopping all fun!
I'm ok, work is fine, workload manageable and the students still amusing. Travel has been a night mare recently with 3 hours being my best time!

My Jedi family

Fancy dress for Luke's (whoelse!) party on Saturday. Good effort by the Rees'. Tracy was the best Princess at the ball.