Friday, December 28, 2007


After a trip to the doctors because Thomas was covered in a rash, we finally feel that Thomas is on the mend. He is smiling more and has more energy to play. Mark and Marion visited yesterday and it was good to see them again. Thomas was happy to be passed about and sat with Mark and Marion smiling away. This morning he still has the rash but is much better.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas with TWR

Fancy dress
Relaxing watching a film.

Tucking into the Quality Street at Gramma's.


Santa has been to the Rees household and looks like Thomas has a lot of unwrapping to do tomorrow. Just hope he feels better as he has not been well today. We were so concerned about his temperature tonight that we took him to hospital. They gave him a good inspection but could find nothing wrong. He was given some ibuprofen and that seems to have lower his temperature. He is sound asleep now. It has been a stressful evening and not the best start to the first family Christmas. Am sure tomorrow will be much better.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

I want...

Thomas has started the I wants for Christmas.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

All wrapped up

Took Thomas out for a walk in the bracing winter weather today. He got all wrapped up in a new outfit and was nearly asleep before it was zipped up it is that snug!

Friday, December 14, 2007


Thomas has being trying different kinds of milk today.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


After a busy morning feeding and being washed and dressed, Thomas deserves a rest!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Testing out a new seat

Thomas has been visiting Theo today and trying out a new seat. He seems to like it.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

A difficult night

After weeks of discussion, reading around the subject and debating, I took it upon myself to 'teach Thomas to sleep'. Tracy has gone out for a well deserved ladies night (body shop party) and left me with a nearly asleep Thomas. This turned into an awake Thomas and after the usual sleep props didnot work I decided to try to teach him the tough method. Leaving Thomas to cry (or scream) was very difficult and I must admit I very nearly cracked towards the end but eventually he went to sleep. I think it took him about 35-40 mins, which seems quite good from what I have read. I didnot pick him but tried my best to calm him by stroking his head and talking calmly to him. His cries did begin to weaken after 30 minutes but the whole process was still quite distressing for me.
It has made me realise how much the little fella means to me and how I want to protect him and look after him. I guess that is what being a parent is all about. I keep thinking about my Dad and how much he has done for me. I hope that I can be as supportive and giving to Thomas as my Dad has to me. That unconditional nature of always wanting to be there for your offspring, it is quite hard to explain really. It makes me wonder how my mother could possibly have abandoned John and I, she must really have been selfish.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

After the jabs

Thomas appears fine after another round of jabs!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


A happy Thomas. He has started laughing this week which is wonderful. Tonight he was laughing everytime Tracy called him a cheeky monkey!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


This is the first hedgehog I have seen for about 20 yrs. This little fella was wandering about the estate last night looking for food. I had forgotten how tiny they are - you usually see them all spread out!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Thomas has been sleeping thru again (since last Thursday) which is great. Unfortunately getting him to go to bed is proving quite stressful. Thomas has not being letting us put him to bed. Instead he screams and SCREAMS getting quite distressed and it takes a long time to settle him down again. There seems no reason for these outbursts as he has fed. We are racking our brains for a solution to this problem as it is getting us down. Bedtime has changed from being a special time to becoming a bit of a nightmare. Hopefully this is just a phase and will pass soon.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

After food nap

Thomas often falls asleep after his food. These naps generally don't last that long. 2 or 3 mins and Tracy loves the contented look on his face. Angelic?

Monday, November 12, 2007

The long sleeper

Thomas has slept thru the last 2 nights. 12hrs and 11hrs wonderful! He has also discovered the joys of long afternoon naps sleeping for 2hrs this aft.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The garage door has gone, finally.

One free ad, one phone call and one garage door has gone to a better home. Somewhere in Darton.

Friday, November 9, 2007

The Hilton in Manchester

Had a really interesting morning in Manchester today. Went to a seminar/presentation from Softease where Dr Baldev Singh presented about technologies of the future and how they might impact on education. He was an excellent presenter with a lot of humour and demonstrated some great examples of how the new Web2.0 technologies are being used by educationalists. He has really inspired me to have a go with these new technologies and try to get the teachers in Barnsley fired up with them. Voicethread was one that I was particularly struck by as it seems to have a lot of potential within the classroom. Users are able to upload pictures, add narrative to them whilst annotating and let other people watch and add comments to the presentation. Real collaboration on line.
It was a shame that the Honeycomb product didn't inspire as much as he did. Or the journey to and from Manchester which was a nightmare as usual. At least the Hilton makes a good picture!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Thomas doing a jig

At least Thomas will always make us SMILE!!

Bonfire Night

Last night was not much fun for the Rees household or other members of the Chilcombe Place corner. Our friendly neighbour firework terrorist was up to his usual annual invasion of the night sky. Trapped in our home we tried to bath and bed Thomas as usual whilst the windows shook. Luckily for us Thomas slept through the whole night (in the kitchen under the fan!) but I know that Matthew and Kerry's children had little sleep until gone 10.45pm. When he was confronted about the noise, Karl was his usual not my fault have you spoke to Lettuce it was them down the road pathetic answers. He also had a team of supporters behind him to add spice to the confrontation! Bet you wouldn't have complained if it was a Saturday or Sunday night?? Well yes I would have because I have 2 month old baby trying to sleep!!!!

The morning after the night before.....

Tracy's car looks like it has been driven through Beirut, not parked outside a house in Barnsley!! Mine isn't much better either. Matthew next door has a dent in the wing of his Merc!! There must be a better way to spend bonfire night, surely.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Two Firsts

Tonight we are trying 2 firsts for Thomas. Firstly we are trying to get him to sleep in a dreampod (kind of a sleeping bag for babies) and secondly we are putting Thomas to sleep in his cot not his moses basket.

Thomas looks so tiny in his cot all alone. Let's just hope he sleeps well.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Another pumpkin outfit

Thomas knows how to relax when he is being taken for a walk! Hands behind his head, not a care in the world!

Pumpkin boy

When we returned from the gym today we discovered that Thomas had changed into a pumpkin thanks to Grandma's magic powers!

The flying pumpkin

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Having a chat with Mummy

On the pink towels again.

Thomas's journey of self discovery

Thomas is changing daily. He has discovered TV, the back of his head, how to twist round on the mat, how to raspberry and how to sleep thru the night! The last 3 nights he has slept for 11 hrs without waking which is wonderful. His ability to copy sounds is developing daily and when he 'talks' to you it is SO special.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Thomas has been 'talking', laughing and smiling loads this weekend. Luckily we have been able to capture him on a number of occasions, here are some of those moments.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Thomas's new chair

Theo had one and now so does Thomas. A rocking chair. Rock on!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

New wheels.

More info to follow I am sure!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Thomas' new friend

Thomas has discovered the joys of sucking his hand!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Another picture message

Tracy and Thomas have been having a good chat this morning. Thomas has really started trying to communicate with us recently. It is amazing and so special.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Pictures during the day.

Whilst Tracy has been at home looking after Thomas, she has been sending me photos of him during the day. This one came today. It is wonderful. Thomas looks so gorgeous. His eyes remind me of Tracy's.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

In Mummy's car

Somewhere in amongst all the toys and seats is Thomas enjoying the ride in Mummy's car. Just got a new hall mat for the pushchair and been to Karen and Paul's but they weren't in! That means we will have to go to see Grandad a bit early.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Thomas is being soothed by the gentle rocking of his chair and the noise of the washing machine!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Soon after taking this picture, Thomas started crying!