Sunday, September 30, 2007

New outfit

Thomas has always made sure that his outfit matches the environment he is in.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Asleep in the kitchen

The droning noise of the extractor fan has soon sent Thomas to sleep. We will be trying this later if he wont sleep at bedtime.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

At the gym

Thomas has working hard to tone up at the gym. He has been hitting the objects to play the tunes and has been happy on it for about 10 mins.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Thomas over the M1

Took Thomas for a walk this aft. He stopped crying and was asleep before we had left the driveway.
He was very unsettled last night and would only sleep when being held. Eventually he fell asleep on my chest for 4 or maybe 5 hrs. Both of us really need a good night tonight.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007

This Week

This week has been hard. The 'getting back to work' routine has been a challenge, especially when I have had few hours sleep. Most of the nights though I have managed between 4 and 5 hours so the following day has been bearable. My colleagues have been very understanding and made my strong cups of tea to keep me going.

It has been a good week for Tracy and Thomas. They have really got to know each other. By the end of the week, there has been a marked difference in the atmosphere at home. Most of the evenings when I have returned from work, Tracy has been involved in feeding Thomas nearly every hour which has meant that we have not spent much time together. On the positive side though Thomas has been sleeping for longer periods during the night.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Thomas seems to listen to his mobile now.

After bath time

Having a kick about on the mat.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Back to work

I went back to work yesterday, which was difficult. Difficult for 2 reasons, firstly the last 2/3 weeks at home with Tracy and Thomas have been great. Stressful and tiring but great. It does not seem right to have to go to work every day and leave them at home. I should be with them, but unfortunately my holiday has come to an end. It has also been difficult because on Sunday night Thomas had a bad night. He was awake from 2.30 until 5.30 in the morning. Tracy looked after him during this time, changing several sleep suits and more nappies!! By the time Thomas finally went to sleep at 5.30am she was shattered. To make matters worse he didn't sleep very long and was awake for most of the day. The midwife came and went, advised us to go to the doctors which we did. The doctor suggested another colic relief medicine but the chemist didn't have any!! Thomas slept through all of the trips to the doctors, supermarket and home again, finally waking up at about 7.30pm. After a feed, I took care of Thomas so that Tracy could have a rest from 9pm until 10 pm. Thomas and I watched telly together!! Last night was a lot better. Thomas slept from 12.30 until 4.00am and then again from about 5.30 until after 8 this morning. Tracy and Thomas were both asleep when I went to work this morning. I will be popping in at lunchtime to see how things are going but a text this morning from Tracy said that were both fed, dressed and bathed :-)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Saturday night

The x factor isn't to everybody's taste!

Friday, September 14, 2007


Just to prove that it isn't all smiles, Thomas woke up about 10mins ago and was soon ready for a feed.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Lunch time cuddles

Auntie Karen and Thomas in matching outfits!

Day tripping

We have been out this morning. It took us about 3hrs to leave the house! Firstly we went to the clinic to get weighed and measured. Thomas is now 8lbs 1oz and 54cm. Then we visited my work where everybody thought he looked like me - poor boy! Thomas was very calm and had lots of cuddles. There were more presents and cards from my colleagues. He was a bit grumpy at the end and had to be fed in the car park!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A walk in the park

Thomas seems very content this morning during the stroll around Birdwell recreation ground.

Weigh in

The midwife visited this morning. She weighed Thomas, using a spring balance, and he weighed in at 7lbs 12, so he is putting weight on nicely. She seems to think that we are doing the right thing, which is reassuring for us to hear as some of the days recently have been very hard work. Thomas has been very restless all day and this has been very draining on us both but especially Tracy.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The boy in blue

Sunday dinner at Grandma and Grandad Dalton's. The first time he has been a boy in blue.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Bad Night

We had an extremely bad night with Thomas last night. After waking him at 5pm and feeding and bathing him, we were fairly confident that he would go to sleep for a few hours. When we put him to bed at about 7.30pm - he didn't settle at all. For the next 3 hours we tried anything, feeding, changing him, cooling him down, cuddling him.... Eventually at about 10.30 he felt asleep on my chest. I left him there for about 30 mins to check he was asleep, then I moved him into his moses basket. By this time Tracy had fallen asleep on the nursery floor! Carol arrived shortly after this with some infacol as we were both convinced that he had colic. We gave him some medicine when he woke up at 12.30am. He didn't really sleep much after that, maybe an hour or 2. At about 6am he was fast asleep on his chest again. Tracy got up at 8am expecting the midwife to turn up at 9. Nobody came until 12, and then it wasn't Tess, it was another from the team!
Thomas has been very restless all morning and has only gone to sleep this afternoon at about 2.15 after some oil was rubbed into his dry skin, especially on his head. Maybe it was hurting him. Tracy is also resting at the moment, recharging her batteries for the long night ahead.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Like Father, Like Son

Tracy caught father and son asleep in the back garden. It was one of the few occasions when either of us has slept during the day at the same time as Thomas. It was a lovely sunny day and I just put my head back for a few minutes and I was gone. I think I slept for about 30 minutes. Thomas slept for much longer, in fact we had to wake him at 5pm for a feed.

Another day in the sun

Grandma has kindly made his scratch mits a bit better at staying on, with some ribbons tie ons. Thanks.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Tiny hands

Thomas gripping my thumb.

Enjoying the sunshine

Out in the back garden.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Sleeping on my lap

Thomas has been restless for about 3hrs. He got very hot and we have found it very difficult to cool him down. He won't settle in his moses basket and finally fell asleep on my lap about 20 mins ago. We have had a lot of visitors today, which has been nice, but poor Thomas is shattered. I hope that he manages to sleep tonight.

The Midwife

Tracy's midwife throughout the pregnancy has been Tess. She has been superb, always giving Tracy the facts but always being very supportive and caring. I know Tracy will really miss her support when she stops visiting.

Feeding patterns

We had to wake a very sleepy Thomas to feed this morning at 3.30pm. He has taken a bit of waking but now he is feeding well. He seems to not be over feeding tonight which is good. The last time he fed was at 11.10pm for 20 mins and 7pm before that. If he wont go back to sleep I can always take him for a drive round the block!:-)

Sunday, September 2, 2007

At Grandma and Grandad's

Made it safely to Grandma and Grandad's but it did take us an hour to leave the house! Joy!

Sunday Best

All done up in his sunday best for a trip to Grandma and Grandad Dalton's for sunday dinner. First trip out as a family.

Special time with Mummy

Sunday Sunday

Thomas fell asleep in my arms at about 8am and has only just woken up. Nice sunday lie in!

Feeding time

Thomas has slept really well at night for us again. From 11pm until 2.30am, then a feed, then asleep from 3am until now. Being half asleep at the changing station is something I am going to get used to I think. Even the smell of a special message didn't fully wake me!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

The Muxlows

The Muxlow family came to visit the Rees family this afternoon. Joanne, Matt, Sam and Charlie all came to visit the new addition to the Rees household. TW was on his best behaviour and woke up especially for the visitors and didn't cry once! Matt (unfortunately!) was unable to get a Barnsley FC shirt for him, so there is still time for the Forest top to arrive and be christened!

Tired again

Weekend lie in

Thomas slept from 1am until 4.30am then again from 5.30 until 9am. That meant Tracy and I felt vaguely human this morning! Just as well as Saturday is visitor day! So far Janet, one of the neighbours, Collette and Keith, and Olivia have been round.