Friday, September 7, 2007

Bad Night

We had an extremely bad night with Thomas last night. After waking him at 5pm and feeding and bathing him, we were fairly confident that he would go to sleep for a few hours. When we put him to bed at about 7.30pm - he didn't settle at all. For the next 3 hours we tried anything, feeding, changing him, cooling him down, cuddling him.... Eventually at about 10.30 he felt asleep on my chest. I left him there for about 30 mins to check he was asleep, then I moved him into his moses basket. By this time Tracy had fallen asleep on the nursery floor! Carol arrived shortly after this with some infacol as we were both convinced that he had colic. We gave him some medicine when he woke up at 12.30am. He didn't really sleep much after that, maybe an hour or 2. At about 6am he was fast asleep on his chest again. Tracy got up at 8am expecting the midwife to turn up at 9. Nobody came until 12, and then it wasn't Tess, it was another from the team!
Thomas has been very restless all morning and has only gone to sleep this afternoon at about 2.15 after some oil was rubbed into his dry skin, especially on his head. Maybe it was hurting him. Tracy is also resting at the moment, recharging her batteries for the long night ahead.

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