Friday, August 31, 2007

Cute as you like.

Left holding the baby.

It is amazing what you can do with one hand now. Thanks for the special message Thomas.

Thomas's new giraffe

The lovely giraffe from Laura.

Being watched

Ever felt like you are being watched! Laura came to visit TW today and gave him a lovely giraffe and some vests.

After bathtime

Thomas was up most of the night, feeding regularly every hour or so. The midwife, Tess, has been this morning and says he is looking well. She said she thought he would be a long thin baby and he is! Thomas had a special message for her which Tess said was possibly an indication of over eating - can't think where he gets that from! Grandma, Mummy and Daddy have all helped bath him and now he is shattered. Luckily for him he can have a nap wherever and whenever he likes. Just wish he would sleep more during the night.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Settling in....

Last night was a great improvement on the previous night. Little T slept from 7ish until 10.30pm. I was watching footie on telly and big T resting / sleeping upstairs. After a few feeds and a cooling off session downstairs, Thomas slept from 3.30am until 4.45am, then again from 6.45am until 10.30am. He has gone back to sleep straight away this morning downstairs and has been asleep so far from 11.30am until 1.30pm :-)
When I got home on Saturday night from the hospital without both Ts, Carol and Stuart had been busy putting banners and balloons up. This was outside....

And this was in the living room. As I had come home without them both and, at the time Thomas was not looking good when I had left him, it upset me slightly. But it was still a lovely surprise and I know Tracy appreciated it when we came home as a family on Tuesday. Thanks Grandma and Grandad Dalton.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

No sleep 'til ...

Thomas has just gone to sleep. Hopefully Tracy can now get some rest. (Have I written this before? ;-)) It has been a long day for her and she is desperate for the rest. Let's hope little T sleeps for an hour or so.

Finally some peace!

After a very restless first night at home, Tracy and I probably managed 3 hrs sleep between us, Thomas has finally gone to sleep. Hopefully Tracy can now get some rest as she is shattered.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Made it home.

Still asleep after the journey home. Peace.

The journey home.

We are finally on the way home. Thomas has been given the all clear so we can go home together. Great!

Fast asleep

Keeping Thomas awake after a feed is always difficult. This morning he was fast asleep when i put him down.

Out of the incubator

Thomas was moved out of the incubator early this morning. Hopefully he will be coming home later today.

Monday, August 27, 2007


When I have come home during the time that Thomas and Tracy have been in hospital, I have had these strange feelings on the palms of my hands and fingers. It is although I can still feel Thomas's soft, warm skin there touching mine. It is very weird but also very comforting. As though he is still in my hands.

Another night under the lamps.

Thomas's levels have gone up and down all day so he has to stay for another night in the incubator. The sooner we can all get home and be a family the better. Tracy is coping really well with hospital life (enjoying the food!) but the lack of sleep is getting her down.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

In the incubator

We were all ready to bring Thomas home when the midwife expressed concern about his skin colour. He has been in the incubator since 2 am and he will probably be there 24hrs. Leaving Tracy and Thomas in hospital has been very difficult.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Settled after a feed

Thomas had a restless night and Tracy is shattered this morning. After a feed this morning Thomas has settled down for a nap.

Hospital Visitors

Uncle Adey was the first to visit, after Grandma who came a few hours after the birth. He snuck in on Saturday morning (25/8)

Grandad Dalton was the next to arrive......

Followed by Grandad Rees then....

Uncle Paul and Auntie Karen and then....

Auntie Karen again.....

And Grandma of course!

Friday, August 24, 2007


Today is the greatest! Today I became a Dad and Tracy became a Mum. Today Thomas William had his first appearance into the world. Tracy, who has been brilliant throughout the whole pregnancy, was again absolutely amazing today. She coped so well with the pain and discomforts of the birth. I know she will make an excellent mother.

Luckily for me, I was allowed to hold TW shortly after he was born. It was such an amazing feeling holding this tiny little person in my arms, somebody that has already changed my life so much and will go on changing it for several years I think. He was so precious and perfectly formed. The moment was almost indescribable. A very emotional time for me. The gravity of it all probably won't hit home until tomorrow when I revisit the hospital to see my wife and son.

Thank you Tracy for giving me a beautiful son.

Thomas William Rees

The new arrival to the Rees family. Thomas William Rees entered the world at 6.17pm today. He weighed 7 lbs 1 oz.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Talktalk and Microsoft Helplines?

I have just spent the best part of an hour and half on the phone firstly to Talktalk and then Microsoft trying to get the solution to an email problem. Talktalk claimed the problem lie with the software, hence the call to Microsoft. Microsoft offered to help me for £200 and said that I should contact the manufacturers of the PC (Packard Bell). After a flash of inspiration I solved the problem for nothing. I am feeling quite chuffed!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The study

Thanks to Dad and Carol for their help moving furniture and boxes down into the new study. Much appreciated.

Finished room

Moved the furniture into the new room today.

Monday, August 6, 2007

The study is carpeted

New carpet down and radiator on. The study is now complete.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


After paint

The study has been painted ellastone and now looks great.