Thursday, August 30, 2007

Settling in....

Last night was a great improvement on the previous night. Little T slept from 7ish until 10.30pm. I was watching footie on telly and big T resting / sleeping upstairs. After a few feeds and a cooling off session downstairs, Thomas slept from 3.30am until 4.45am, then again from 6.45am until 10.30am. He has gone back to sleep straight away this morning downstairs and has been asleep so far from 11.30am until 1.30pm :-)
When I got home on Saturday night from the hospital without both Ts, Carol and Stuart had been busy putting banners and balloons up. This was outside....

And this was in the living room. As I had come home without them both and, at the time Thomas was not looking good when I had left him, it upset me slightly. But it was still a lovely surprise and I know Tracy appreciated it when we came home as a family on Tuesday. Thanks Grandma and Grandad Dalton.

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